Exercises to Pair with Lunges

If you are trying to figure out what exercises to pair with lunges, you should take into consideration if you want them to work major muscle groups, accessory muscle groups, or unrelated muscle groups.

Making this selection will depend on the goals you want to accomplish for the workout.

Picking supplementary or complementary exercises that you can pair or superset with a lunge is ideal for you to get a comprehensive leg workout.

Building strong legs through lunges and other exercises will help you develop lean muscle, burn calories during and after the workout, and give you sturdy, powerful legs.

The ‘key’ to a great lunge workout is to pair exercises like the Romanian deadlift, front squat, and Bulgarian split squat to help supplement your leg building needs.

A complete leg workout plan will help build your quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, hip abductors, hip adductors, and hip flexors.

Pairing back and core exercises with your lunges also makes for a strong total body.

Try this list of exercises to pair with lunges.

Exercises to Pair with Lunges

1. Sumo Squat with Dumbbells

Lunges are great exercises for working your quads and inner thighs.

A perfect exercise to pair with a lunge is a sumo squat.

Sumo squats with dumbbells will also work your inner thighs and quads, along with your glutes, hamstrings and back.

If you want to make it even more challenging, turn your sumo squat into a thruster and drive your arms up into a shoulder press as you ascend from the squat.

2. Romanian Deadlift

A great exercise to work your posterior chain is the Romanian deadlift.

The Romanian deadlift will primarily work your hamstrings glutes and back.

Romanian deadlifts are great exercises to superset with the lunge because you can easily transition from one exercise to another without much effort.

Just grab a set of dumbbells and start lunging.

3. Kettlebell Swing

Another great exercise to pair with the lunge is the kettlebell swing.

Kettlebell swings are going to work your glutes and back, making it easier for you to complete a solid lunge.

Try to force your glutes to do most of the lifting and let your arms follow the body.

4. Bulgarian Split Squat

A similar movement to the standard lunge is the Bulgarian split squat.

You will use the exact same form as the lunge, except you will have your back leg hitched up on a bench or pole.

This exercise will really target your inner thighs, hip flexors, quads and glutes.

5. Nordic Ham Curls

Nordic hamstring curls are one of the best exercises for stabilizing the posterior area of your legs and a great exercise to pair with lunges.

One study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine claimed you can reduce your risk of hamstring injury by up to 51% with this exercise.

Just put a pad under your knees and your heals under a bar. Let your body lower to the ground as slow as you are able.

Push yourself back up and do it again.

6. Weighted Jump Squats

A great way to challenge the muscles of your legs is with a weighted squat jump.

Throw a weight vest on and turn your squat into a squat jump.

After a short period of time, your legs will be on fire.

Do this every time you want to superset or pair a challenging exercise with your lunges.

The weight vest as your primary weight will allow you to easily transition from one exercise to another.

7. Banded Walks and Hip Abductions

One way to stabilize your knees and hips is with a band walk or hip abductions.

Any time you are working major muscle exercises, you will want to add an accessory exercise that will help stabilize and support the joints.

Monster band walks and banded hip abductions are a great way to do this.

Other exercises to pair with lunges include:

Summary: Exercises to Pair with Lunges

When you are focusing on an excellent leg workout, make sure you mix in some exercises that will supplement and complement your lunges. Use major and accessory exercises that pair nicely with the lunge. In doing so, you will build strong and stable legs and will help promote stability and powerful throughout your body. Pick exercises that are challenging and help you complete and accomplish your goals.

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