9 Exercises to Pair with Box Jumps

Pairing exercises with box jumps is the perfect way to challenge and improve your leg strength, power, and vertical jump.

Many people focus on only doing 1 or 2 leg exercises to develop their quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles, but there are a variety of different exercises you can do to maximize the ability of each one of these muscle groups.

The “key” to selecting a great box jump pairing exercise is to do exercises that stress multiple major muscle groups, stabilize your joints, and increase the strength of accessory muscle groups within the legs and back.  

With any exercise, make sure to use proper form, listen to your body, and try to exercise to fatigue instead of a certain number of reps.

So, without further ado, here are the exercises that pair perfectly with box jumps.

Exercises to Pair with Box Jumps

1. Banded Squats

Some of the best exercises to pair with box jumps are going to be banded squats.

A box jump requires great power and explosiveness.

Banded squats are going give you great resistance during the contraction phase of the squat, allowing you to perform a higher and more explosive box squat.

I highly recommend this exercise for athletes and exercisers looking to improve their leg power and vertical jump.

2. Split Squats

A great way to target your inner thighs is with the use of the split squat.

You will especially work your quads and glutes with this power generating exercise.

Split squats are also a great way to improve your balance, stability, and joint mobility.

3. Stadium Stair Climber

The next best exercise to pair with the box jump is a running stair climber.

This will mimic the explosiveness of the box jump, challenging the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles.

This will improve your balance and help to fine tune the small muscles surrounding the feet and ankles.

You will also improve you stretch and range of motion.

4. Sumo Squats

Sumo squats are a great exercise to superset or pair with box jumps.

This exercise will mainly target the quads, glutes and inner thighs.

Inner thigh muscles contribute greatly to the vertical jump so work these muscle groups as much as you can.

5. Glute Raises

One of the most neglected muscle groups necessary for a powerful box jump is the glutes.

These powerful muscles drive the body upward and can contribute to major gains in vertical jump elevation.

A glute raise is a simple and effective exercise to pair with the box jump.

Do this exercise at least 2 times a week.

6. Sled Push and Pull

The sled push and pull is a perfect exercise for creating leg drive and acceleration.

This simple exercise will work nearly your entire body.

It will especially work all the muscles of the legs, helping you generate loads of power.

7. Kettlebell Swings

A kettlebell swing is a perfect exercise to pair with the box jump because it mimics the beginning of the jump with a squatted load.

As you swing the kettlebell up through the legs, you are generating that natural jumping power through your quads and glutes.

The swing of the arms is also like that of the box jump.

Putting this exercise into the mix is a great way to improve the jump.

Try this Challenging 8-Minute FAT BURNING Kettlebell HIIT Workout.

8. Wind Sprints

Elite athletes are often seen doing wind sprints.

These work your legs similar to the sled push and pull but will mimic the actual act of sprinting much better.

Pairing your box jumps with wind sprints is a smart way to improve joint strength and mobility, leading to a more explosive exercises.

9. Romanian Deadlifts

The final exercise you should be pairing with the box jump is the Romanian Deadlift.

This exercise is ideal for developing strong glutes and hamstrings.

Single leg Romanian Deadlifts are especially good for developing single leg power and strength over time.

Don’t forget to grab the Yes4All Foam Plyo Box/Plyometric Box.

These boxes allow you to work your way up from a 16″ vertical jump to a 30″ vertical jump.

The soft padding also helps you avoid shin scrapes a bruises.

It’s adjustable and safe design are backed by rave reviews. It’s the perfect box jumping companion.

Some other great exercises to pair with box jumps include:

  1. Band Walks
  2. Deadlifts
  3. Reverse Lunges
  4. Pistol Squats
  5. Clams
  6. Planks
  7. Knee Raises
  8. Frog Jumps
  9. Butt Kickers
  10. Burpees

Summary: Exercises to Pair with Box Jumps

Picking the perfect exercise to pair with your box jumps is ideal for your body and muscle development. Whether you are an advanced athlete or novice in the gym, box jumps are ideal to create power, explosiveness and endurance. Superset these exercises together or provide your body rest between sets to allow your body a full recovery and more explosive reps. Choose exercises that work the entirety of your leg muscles including the quads, hamstrings, calves, and inner and outer thighs. The more diverse the exercises, the more well rounded and properly trained athlete you will become.

If you need more exercise equipment ideas, don’t forget to check out my article: The Best Vertical Jump Training Equipment 

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