Best Leg Superset Workouts for Mass

The perfect leg superset workout should not only help you to put on strong, lean leg muscle, it should also aid in the development of mass.

Not only does your fitness routine play a big role in the development of muscle, but a proper eating plan is going to provide the fuel that helps you to increase muscle mass.

Adequate rest and recovery is also going to be necessary for the health of the muscle.

A leg superset workout can be done at home or in the gym, and with dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, or your own body weight.

As a beginner, you may only need to do a 45-minute leg workout with no equipment to apply adequate stress to the muscles.

But no matter wherever you are in your fitness journey, you need to start incorporating the following leg superset workouts for mass.

Leg Superset Workouts for Mass

Leg and Glute Workout

A great leg superset workout for mass is one that mixes a total leg workout with a specific glute exercise.  For example, mix a regular squat or sumo squat with a glute raise. Do these back-to-back and without rest in between exercises.  The squat primarily focuses on the quads and glutes, whereas the glute raise will finish off the glute portion of the workout. You will leave your legs scorched and well exercised. These two exercises are one of the best combinations you can put together.

Posterior Chain Workout

Another one of the best leg supersets you can do is one that works your entire posterior chain. Try something like a Romanian Deadlift paired with a kettlebell swing. Not only will you work your hamstrings and glutes, but your back will get a great workout as well. Do these together to get yourself feeling tall and strong.

Quad and Calf Workout

Two good muscle groups to superset together are the quads and calves. Since they are unrelated, you can do the exercises that will require maximum effort. Pick exercises like a lunge and a calf raise. You could also double up the calf portion of the workout with a jump lunge and jump rope combination. Doing these together will promote muscle mass development in the quads, inner thighs, and calf muscles.

Cardio HIIT Workout

One of the best ways to build leg muscle is with a cardio HIIT workout that utilizes two cardio-based exercises. This at-home superset will not only allow you to build lean muscle in the legs but will help you burn calories, shed fat, increase your endurance, lung, and heart health. Choose beginner friendly exercises like bicycle sprints and the stair master to really scorch your legs and give an incredibly difficult workout. Mix this with the other superset combinations mentioned in the list for the perfect overall workout.

Summary: Leg Superset Workouts for Mass

The best leg workouts are going to be the ones you can do quickly, efficiently, and with maximum effort. They should work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles alike.  You need to be doing a mix of different exercises along with varying reps, sets, intensities, times, and frequencies. Eat a high protein diet, do exercises to fatigue, foam roll, stretch and rest your muscles. Add more resistance every workout, work harder, and sweat more. Throw some creatine into your diet for better results. Pairing all of these things with your leg superset workout destines you to put on added muscle mass.  

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