7 Exercises to Superset with the Shoulder Press

If you are looking for bigger, broader, stronger shoulders, you need to do exercises that you can easily superset with the shoulder press.

The ‘key’ is to mix in exercises that hit your shoulders in different ways. You must also do these exercises consecutively with minimal rest for best results. In this way, you stress the deltoids over an extended period of time.

The shoulder press is a great exercise for developing your shoulders, but you need to incorporate exercises like side and front raises, pike pushups, pushup jacks, and straight arm plank punches.

Doing a variety of exercises with no rest in between is going to be what separates your workout from everyone else’s.

Next time you find yourself at the gym, try to incorporate these 7 exercises to superset with a shoulder press.

Exercises to Superset with the Shoulder Press

1. Front Raise & Side Raise

The first exercise you can superset with the shoulder press is the front and side raise.

This exercise will target the anterior and middle deltoid.

It’s a simple, yet effective exercise that you can do in the comfort of your home.

2. Kettlebell Swings

The next exercise you can pair or superset with the shoulder press is some kettlebell swings.

This exercise will not only target your anterior delts, but your legs and back as well.

The kettlebell swing is a great full body exercise that you can do with a kettlebell or dumbbell.

3. Pike Pushups

One of my favorite exercises to do is the pike pushup.

This is a great bodyweight exercise that you can do on the floor right next to your bed.

This exercise is going to challenge your deltoids, chest muscles, and triceps.

Do this as often as you can as it’s a great exercise to superset with other exercises.

4. Pushup Jacks

Another exercise that’s similar to the pike pushup is the pushup jack.

This dynamic exercise will work your shoulders, chest, abs and hip flexors.

It’s the perfect full body exercise to help you build strength and endurance throughout your entire body.

5. Straight Arm Plank Punches

One exercise that forces you to hold one position for an extended period of time is the straight arm plank punch.

This exercise will primarily work your shoulders and abs.

Add some mountain climbers or in and out abs to make this exercise that much more challenging.

6. Sled Push

Next on this list of exercises to superset or pair with the shoulder press is the sled push.

You can scorch your shoulders with this exercise the longer you push the sled.

You shoulder muscles will stay engaged for an extended period of time but it will be well worth it.

7. Reverse Fly

Last on this list of exercises to superset with the shoulder press is the reverse fly.

This exercise will work the rear delts and is the perfect thing to pair with many other exercises as well.

The reverse fly will also work the trapezius, erector spinae, and the rhomboids.  

Summary: Exercises to Superset with the Shoulder Press

A superset is a good way to challenge your body in a way that promotes continuous growth. The next time you find yourself at the gym, try to incorporate and pair different exercises with the shoulder press. Do things like pushups, the sled push and the reverse fly for maximum effectiveness. Your shoulder muscles will become bigger, stronger, and more enduring over time.

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