Pullup Pushup Superset

A pullup pushup superset done every day or on alternate days is a great way to exercise efficiently and effectively and get the results you are looking for.

Doing a superset using opposing muscle groups is perfect way to exercise with limited rest.

In this case, you will work your biceps, lats, rhomboids and back with the pullup and the chest, triceps, and shoulders with the pushup.

Not only that, but you are also working secondary muscle groups like the abs, obliques, and hip flexors without even knowing it.

Whether you are doing the pullup pushup superset, pushup dip superset, chin-up superset or a standard pull-up workout plan, mixing in something different into your workouts is always a good way to go.

How To Do a Pullup Pushup Superset

A good pullup pushup superset is going to begin with a good warmup. Make sure you do 10-15 minutes of moderate, low impact jogging, elliptical, treadmill, rowing or cycling. I recommend you do the elliptical because it’s going to warm up your arms at the same time as the rest of your body.

Next, you’re going to continue your workout with some easy to do pullups and pushups. If you have access to a kneeling pullup machine, utilize that to give you some reps that are not at full capacity. You can also add some knee pushups to this to get both your pushing and your pulling muscles warmed up. You can also stand on a bench to do reps that are not using your complete body weight and assisting with your legs.

Now that your muscles are adequately warmed up, you are ready for some full pullup and pushup sets. Start with 8 standard pullups and upon completion, jump right into a set of 8 pushups without any rest in-between sets. Now you can rest for 30-60 seconds before your next pullup pushup superset.

Do 3-4 sets of the pullup pushup superset before you move on to the next exercise combination. Along the way, you can vary the angle of your hands and arms to hit your muscles in different ways. For instance, you can do underhand pullups paired with diamond pushups. This will put more emphasis on other muscles groups. The underhand pushup will put more resistance on the biceps whereas the diamond pushup will put more emphasis on the triceps.

If you want to make this a full body workout, you can do a squat lunge superset to offset that resting time. This way you are making your workout as efficient as possible and getting the most out of your workout time. Also try varying the weight with a weight vest, bands, or chains. This will challenge your muscles in ways you didn’t think were possible.

Pushups and Pullups Superset Results

If you are going to start with a superset, the pullup pushup superset is one of the best ones because it will work so many muscle groups and get your body into great shape. You are likely to burn more calories, improve your posture, get stronger, thicker muscles, and increase your muscular and cardiovascular endurance.

If you vary the angle, frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise within the pushup pullup superset, you are likely to adequately work most of the muscle groups of the upper body. Over time you will get stronger and will be able to do more weight and more reps.  If you are pairing your workout with a good eating plan, you will get the results you are looking for with this simple, and standard superset.

Pushups and Pullups Every Day vs. Alternate Days

I would recommend you do the pushup and pullup superset only 3 days a week for maximum results. You can alternate the days that you do these exercises. You could also do them every day with a 3 days on, 4 days off method. Varying when and how you do your exercises can lead to greater gains over time in the fact that you are shocking your muscles in what you are doing that week for your workout. The best thing is to keep them guessing, but adequately trained.

100 Pushups, 50 Pullups a Day Results

If you want a challenge, try to do 100 pushups and 50 pullups on your workout days to see some amazing results. This will push your body past it’s limit and increase your strength and endurance faster than if you don’t have a goal in mind.

Start with something easier like 24 pushups and 8 full pull ups. As you go along, increase to 50, then 100 pushups a day, along with 25 then 50 pullups a day. You will be astounded at the results you get.

Summary: Pullup Pushup Superset

A great staple to any workout plan is with a pullup pushup superset. You can adequately work the entirety of your upper body if you decide to take this approach. You can work your pecs, lats, triceps, biceps, shoulders, abs, rhomboids, obliques, and hip flexors with this simple combination. Whether you are doing this as part of your bodybuilding regimen, or standard workout routine, it can become a great addition to any workout.  

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