What Are the Best HIIT Exercises? (A Complete List)

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The best HIIT (high intensity interval training) exercises are going to be the ones that you can exert maximum effort while still feeling like you can do the exercise safely and effectively.

The “key” to a great HIIT workout is to choose exercises that challenge your muscular strength and endurance for a short to medium length of time.

You need to choose movements that utilize the muscles of the entire body.

A list of the best HIIT exercises include:

  1. Cross Country Skiing
  2. Competitive Speed Skating
  3. Vigorous Stationary Cycling
  4. Vigorous Rowing Machine
  5. Jumping Rope
  6. Swimming Laps
  7. Boxing
  8. Stair Master
  9. Push-Up Jacks
  10. Mountain Climbers
  11. Squat Jumps
  12. Lunge Jumps
  13. Sprints
  14. Sled Push
  15. Battle Ropes

This list should give you some excellent ways to add HIIT exercises to your workouts.

You can use the ideas here and create a HIIT exercise out of almost any exercise, if you can perform the exercise safely.

What are the best HIIT exercises at home?

If you want to do HIIT exercises in the comfort of your own home and don’t have access to some of the equipment above, you could do the exercises that only require your body weight.

A list of HIIT exercises at home include:

  1. Sprinting in place
  2. Shadow boxing
  3. Push-up jacks
  4. Squat jumps
  5. Lunge jumps
  6. Mountain climbers
  7. Side to side shuffles
  8. Sit-ups
  9. Bicycle crunches

Most of these exercises are easy enough that you can do them right in front of your television.

What’s the best way to do a HIIT workout for beginners?

The best way to incorporate these exercises into your workout is by doing them after you’ve completed the last set of a certain exercise.  

Let’s say you do 3 sets of 8 of pushups or the bench press. At the end of the 3rd set, you could sprint in place for 30-60 seconds.  You can do this throughout your workout with all the other sets, giving you a great workout and a large calorie burn.

These HIIT exercises should be near all out effort, but don’t overdo it if you can’t keep control of your body or are just starting out. Ease your way into the workout and over a few days or weeks, build up the ability to be able to do a certain HIIT exercise for at least 30 seconds. If you need to start with 5 or 10 seconds, that’s perfectly fine. Consistent exercise should be a lifestyle and there is no reason you need to be challenging the peak capacity of your body on day one.

What is the best HIIT workout for fat loss?

The best HIIT workout for fat loss will include exercises that burn the most calories per hour.

In one study, Australian researchers found that only a few minutes of HIIT training is just as good for your body as 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise.

My top five fat burning HIIT exercises include:

  1. Sprinting – Burn 1675 calories per hour
  2. Cross Country Skiing – Burn 1530 calories per hour
  3. Cycling > 20mph – Burn 1500 calories per hour
  4. Vigorous Stationary Cycling – Burn 1160 calories per hour
  5. Vigorous Rowing Machine – Burn 1120 calories per hour

If you want to sprint during your workout, bring some weights with you to the park or track. Do 3 sets of shoulder presses and sprint 50 yards down and 50 yards back. You can do this indoors as well if you have a stationary bike or rowing machine at your convenience.

What are some HIIT exercises that include weights?

If you really want to get some challenging HIIT reps in, put on a 20 or 40 pound weight vest and do any of the exercises mentioned above. There are also HIIT exercises you can do with a pair of dumbbells in your hand. Just remember, you won’t able to go as fast with weights in your hands as with your own body weight or even a weight vest. Keep these exercises low impact so your joints don’t take the brunt of the workout.

A list of HIIT exercises with weights include:

  1. Renegade rows
  2. Squat to shoulder press
  3. Shoulder press situps
  4. Lunge to bicep curl
  5. Weighted shadow boxing or speed bag

What about living room HIIT on a treadmill?

If you can safely execute a sprint on a treadmill, by all means. You can really challenge your body with this exercise. Just make sure you recognize your limits and give yourself a way to get off of the treadmill safely if you find yourself getting out of control.

Summary: What Are the Best HIIT Exercises?

The best HIIT exercises are going to be the ones that you can exert maximum effort, in a safe and effective manner. Incorporating HIIT into your workouts will allow you to scorch tons of calories and get you into the best shape of your life. Once the fat starts to come off, the muscles will start to pop and you will begin to realize the fruits of your effort. Use HIIT exercises in the majority of your workouts and you will eventually get into the best shape of your life.

Don’t forget to check out my article: The ULTIMATE Fat Burning HIIT Workout

Did I give you some good ideas for HIIT exercises? Did I miss anything? Let me know below!

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