How to Get Fit In 2 Weeks at Home

If you need to get fit and in shape at home in under 2 weeks, you need to put together a solid workout and eating plan.

You need to tailor your diet to only include fresh and frozen foods.

Your workout plan needs to include intense, challenging full body workouts.

2 weeks is not a lot of time to get fit so adhering to a rigorous health and fitness regimen is going to be crucial to your success, especially if this is all taking place at home.

If you’re ready to take the plunge and really work hard, follow these steps to make your 2-week program a success.

How to Get Fit In 2 Weeks at Home

Step #1 Set Your Kitchen Up for Success

The first thing you need to do to get yourself fit and in shape is removing all unhealthy food items from your kitchen.

If it’s not there, you can’t eat or drink high calorie, fatty foods.

Give the food away, throw it away. I don’t care, just get rid of it.

Step #2 Go to the Grocery Store

The next step is to head to the grocery store and stick to the fresh and frozen aisles.

Highly nutritious vegetables and fruits are going to be what you will be eating for the next 2 weeks.

You can have lean meats like chicken, fish and steak and nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans.

Fresh herbs, sweet potatoes, and extra virgin olive oil all need to make it to your plate.

Step #3 Start Working Out

If you are working out at home, you likely have limited resources.

Grab some dumbbells and start squatting, lunging, doing renegade rows, thrusters, planks, and jumping jacks.

You need to put these exercises together as a superset as part of a HIIT workout.

You could also purchase a piece of exercise equipment that fits perfectly in your door jam to give you an excellent workout in the comfort of your home.

Whatever you do, vary the exercise, the reps, sets, intensity, and duration to make sure your workout hits all parts of the body.

Step #4 Engage in Plyometric Exercises

With only 2 weeks to spare, you need to get out of your home and find an open field.

Here you can do some intense exercises like high knees, butt kickers, and sprints.

Don’t engage in these exercises unless you are already in decent shape.

These are going to provide your body an afterburn effect, helping you to burn more calories over time.

Step #5 Do More Cardio

After you have finished your regular workout, you still have some cardio to get done at home.

You can jump on a treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike.

If not, it’s time to get outside for some walking, jogging, jump rope and swimming.

If you can find a swimming pool, this is going to be one of the best ways to get fit in 2 weeks.

A full body exercise such as this is going to give you a great full body workout in a short amount of time.

Step #6 Replenish and Recover

The only way to see solid gains after a hard day of exercise is with a high protein meal, excellent sleep, and lots of water.

In 2 weeks, you should be able to get in 6-8 solid workouts, so the other 6-8 days need to be spent resting and recovering.

Don’t skip this step and don’t fall victim to unnecessary cheat meals.

Summary: How to Get Fit In 2 Weeks at Home

If you need to get fit at home with only 2 weeks to spare, you need to be smart and efficient about what you put into your body and the workouts you should be performing. Just remember to stick to the fresh and frozen aisles at the store, engage in full body workouts, add some intense cardio, and you may be able to hit your 2-week goal. Ask a buddy to join or keep you accountable and you shouldn’t have a problem giving the next 2 weeks your best effort.

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