How to Get a BIGGER CHEST in 30 Days (At Home or In the Gym)

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Learning how to get a bigger chest in 30 days can be as easy making a slight modification to your chest workouts.

Even though you may be doing the best exercises to get a bigger chest, you might not be doing the correct number of reps, sets or using the best weight to maximize your chest width and volume.

You need to be smart and efficient with your chest workout.

If you’re constantly pumping out push-ups at night, 4 days a week, you’re probably not going to get the results you’re looking for.

Don’t get me wrong, the push up is a good exercise, but if we are looking for the best chest exercise to most effectively activate the chest muscles then we need to dig a little deeper.

How to Get a Bigger Chest in 30 Days

What’s the Best Exercise for Chest?

Let’s start at the beginning.  If you want to get a bigger chest in 30 days, stop wasting your time with exercises that are not very effective. Pick some that are scientifically proven to build muscle mass in the chest.

I would rather know my chest exercise is not going to be wasting my time.

One study found that the barbell bench press, the peck deck, and the bent-forward cable crossover elicited the greatest chest muscle activation.

Use these 3 chest exercises to get the best results. Don’t forget to vary the angle of these exercises to broaden your chest, while also hitting your lower and upper chest.  

What’s the Best Chest Workout for Mass?

Now that we have our exercises, we need to be using the proper number of reps, sets and weight.

In this case, more reps equal more mass. Stick to the 12-15 rep range.

As for the sets, 4 to 5 should be adequate, especially if you are using the first 1 or 2 as warmup sets.

Next, start with a moderate weight you can easily get the 12-15 rep range on your 1st 1 or 2 sets. After that, choose a weight where you can barely squeeze another rep in the 12-15 rep range.

Last, do a burnout set at a moderately high weight until you can’t do another rep.

I would alternate these 3 chest exercises with 3 back exercises to make sure your muscles get adequate rest between sets.

Do this 2-3 times a week for 4 weeks and you will see awesome results.

If you still don’t think this is enough to get your muscles feeling sore, try adding some of these other chest exercises in your workout:

  • Incline or decline bench press
  • Dips
  • Regular, triangle or plyometric pushup
  • Walking, single arm, or superman pushups
  • Standing one-arm landmine press

How to Get a Bigger Chest at Home?

If you only have access to home gym workout equipment, you are going to have to get creative on what you can do to stress your chest muscles.

You are going to have to choose exercises you can do at home.

3 exercises I recommend for your chest workout at home include the walking pushup, TRX chest flies, or the dumbbell bench press.

The methodology is going to be the same as above with the reps and sets, only this time your going to have to figure out how to vary the weight and degree of difficulty.

If you want to make the pushup more challenging, simply pushup as hard as you can, hard enough to make your hands come off the ground. You could also use a weight vest to add some extra weight to the push. If you don’t have that, tell one of your children to lay on your back. This is going to be your best chest exercise without weights or other home gym equipment.

Grab the RUNFast/Max Adjustable Weighted Vest. Get this vest in 20, 40, or 60 lb increments. I love using a weight vest for many of my chest, shoulder, or leg exercises. It makes things so much easier when you can just exercise and not have to hold the weights to do it. The weight vest almost becomes part of your body.

For the TRX chest flies, you can vary the angle of the lift by how you stand. You can also use a weight vest and alternate between TRX chest flies and chest presses.

With the dumbbell bench press, you are either going to have to buy several different dumbbell weights or get these dumbbells by Bowflex. They are easily adjustable and vary between 10 and 90 lbs. They make lifting weights a breeze and can also be easily stored away.

How To Get a Bigger Chest Without Weights?

Learning how to get a bigger chest without weights can be a challenge.

You’ll have to modify your chest workout to include exercises that require added power and strength.

Incorporate exercises like clap pushups, Spiderman pushups or just hold at the bottom of the pushup for an extended period of time.

You can even add some pulse pushups to make things more difficult.  

Doing as many as you can without stopping will be your best bet in helping bulk up your chest without weights.

Varying the angle of your arms, the upward or downward angle of your hips, and the position of your hands can make a difference in the difficulty level.

How To Get a Bigger Chest as a Female?

 As a female, it’s going to be much harder build a strong chest in 30 days.

Females are naturally not as strong in pectoral region and need to spend more time building this area.

A female can do everything talked about in this article but they may have to start with lighter weights, and less reps.

One thing you can begin with is dumbbell chest press or knee pushups to make things easier.

As you get stronger, you can add this like bench press, chest flies, and full pushups.

Build up your pecs and over time you will be able to do more advanced chest workouts.

What’s a Good Chest Workout at Home with Dumbbells?

If you’re stuck at home with a good set of dumbbells, you can still get a great chest workout, even without a bench.

To do this, lay flat on your back.

Start with your elbows on the ground and press straight up, squeezing at the top.

Make this chest exercise more challenging by holding one in the air while you rep the other arm.

You can also lay your shoulders across a chair, coffee table or ottoman.

Add some chest flies at different angles for an added effect.

Mix these dumbbell chest exercises in with different pushup variations and you’ll be good to go.

What Should I Eat to Get a Bigger Chest?

If you want to get a bigger chest in 30 days, you need to stick to a high protein diet, somewhere close to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.

This can be hard but if you stick to lean meats, protein powder, creatine, lots of water and healthy vegetables, you will give yourself the best chance for a larger, fuller chest.

Track your protein intake daily.

Chicken breast (26g), turkey breast (25g), whey protein (23g), salmon (23g), pork roast (23g) and steak (20g) will give you the most bang for your buck.

Check out my article: Daily PROTEIN INTAKE for Muscle Growth: The Best Low Carb, High Protein Foods for a more comprehensive list of high protein foods.

I take Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder 1-2 times a day to help me get my achieve my daily protein intake quota. I prefer the double chocolate but they have a lot of great flavors. It just might be hard to find the scoop at the bottom of the barrel!

Can I Train Chest 3 Times a Week?

Yes, you can workout your chest 3 days a week.

You should not exercise your chest more than this.

Focus on quality workouts during those 3 days and that will be enough to help you bulk your chest, giving you mass, depth and breadth.

Can I Workout My Chest Everyday?

Even though you want to get a bulkier and bigger chest in 30 days, doing chest workouts everyday is not the smartest way to get there.

You should only exercise the chest a maximum of 3 days a week.

Your chest muscles need rest and recovery, just like any other muscle group.

More chest workouts will not necessarily lead to a bigger chest, and it just may hinder your progress.

Workout as hard as you can on the days you work your chest, but remember to give your body and your muscles time to repair and grow.

Summary: How to Get a Bigger Chest in 30 Days

Getting a bigger chest in 30 days is not as hard as it seems. Stick to high quality exercises, keep your methodology consistent, eat high protein foods and you should have no problem getting there. Don’t skip workouts, it will only take you that much longer. You can apply these tips to almost any muscle group or exercise.

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