How Long Is Too Long of a Workout?

Ever wonder how long you should be working out before you start seeing a negative impact on your training?

What is the ideal length of time that you should be working out to build muscle?

Ideally you should be lifting weights and working out no longer than 2 hours per day maximum. If you are working out longer than that, you are not being efficient with your workout or you are overtraining your muscles.

Your typical workout should last about 1.5 hours.

You can add an additional length of time for cardio but don’t overdo it or you may make it impossible for your body to recover.

The amount of time that is right for you will greatly depend on the goals you would like to accomplish.

If you are a body builder, you may want to stick around for that 2-hour workout.

If you are an athlete and you are training for speed, agility, quickness, a 45-minute HIIT workout might be just the thing you need to get an adequate workout in.

A beginner should start slower.

I would recommend 20 to 30 minutes of exercise to start out.

Take your time and let your body adapt to the new stressors you are putting on it.

As you get bigger, faster, stronger, and more fit, you can start doing longer, more detailed workouts.

Is 20 minutes of weightlifting enough?

20 minutes is a great length of time to get your workout in.

If you do full body workouts and you take minimal breaks, 20 minutes will be plenty.

Doing workouts for only 20 minutes a day might make it possible to workout out more days of the week then someone who may work out 1 to 2 hours a day.

You also give yourself extra time to get your cardio in.

If you pair your lifting and your cardio, it makes it much easier to get an afterburn effect leading to weight loss throughout the rest of the day, the evening and maybe tomorrow.

Is a 1 hour workout a day enough to build muscle?

1 hour a day is an ideal length of time for the typical weightlifter to work out.

You should be able to get most of your exercise done in this amount of time.

You will have the ability to work major muscle groups, as well as ancillary muscle groups, giving you a full workout.

This is the amount of time I use to get my workout in over the lunch hour.

Make sure you come to the gym with a plan and the one-hour workout won’t be as hard to get in as you think.

Start with large muscle groups at the beginning.

Your muscles are fresh and full of energy and you will need this to do heavier lifts.

Work your way towards smaller muscles and muscle groups near the middle of your workout.

Make sure to hit the joint stabilizing exercises and smallest muscles at the end of your workout to protect your joints over time.

Is it OK to go to the gym everyday?

It’s definitely ok to go to the gym every day.

Just make sure you are breaking up the workouts into certain muscle groups of the body.

Monday/Thursday might be upper body.

Tuesday/Friday might be lower body.

Wednesday/Saturday might be core and back.

I highly recommend you take at least one day off to give your body a chance to rest and recover.

If you do 1 hour of lifting per workout and 20-30 minutes of cardio, this should be enough to give you a great workout.

How long should a bodyweight workout last?

If you are doing bodyweight workouts daily, it usually means you are a beginner, do not have access to equipment, are young or old, are looking to just lose weight or are doing a HIIT workout.

In any of these scenarios, a bodyweight workout is a great way to get your exercise in during the week.

A bodyweight workout is low impact, easy to do, but can also challenge you if done in the right way.

A bodyweight workout can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours in a day. The more advanced you are, the longer you can go. Some of the best bodyweight workouts are HIIT workouts. You don’t need equipment and you can give yourself an intense and challenging workout.

How long should a calisthenics workout be?

A calisthenics workout full of gymnastic type exercises could be more grueling on your body than a traditional workout.

The calisthenics workout will typically last 1 to 2 hours, depending on your goals for that day.

These should last a little longer than most workouts because it’s a good idea to give your body a little bit longer to rest between sets.

Pulling yourself up on bars and doing swing type motions can add up if doing them over and over.

If you are doing a typical bodyweight workout, then you could do something much shorter.

Just remember, the amount of time you spend at the gym should be directly related to your goals and how efficient you can be working out.

7-minute workout 3 times a day

If you are strapped for time, you might be able to get in a 7-minute workout 3 times a day.

A 7-minute workout 3 times a day is the perfect way to get your exercise in if you are super busy. Do a quick workout in the morning, one over lunch and one before bed.

You could alternate squats and shoulder presses or lunges and bicep curls.

Mix in some abs, don’t take a break, and you should be set for your 7 minutes.

A quick 7-minute workout is great for people with jobs, kids, or anyone who wants to keep their health in tip-top shape.

Summary: How Long Is Too Long of a Workout?

To summarize, you should never over train your body, but you should also never under train and leave effort on the table. Try not to train more than 2 hours a day, 4-6 days a week. If possible, try not to train more than 2-3 days in a row without letting your body have a rest day in between. Try to keep you sets at a maximum of 6 to 7 and your reps between 6 and 15. Always concentrate on proper form and don’t forget to warmup.

Don’t forget to check out my article: 5 Exercises for Office Workers Who Use a Computer

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