How to Overcome Failure and Achieve Success (10 Steps)

For many people, it’s nearly impossible to figure out how to overcome failure and achieve success.

In the end, the ones who failed the most were the most successful.

“Fail Early, Fail Often, Fail Forward” Will Smith

I’ve failed thousands of times in my life. I seek out failure. Failure is the only way to get from point A to point B, if point B is worth the effort. My life would be completely different if I had accepted mediocrity and taken the easy road.

What’s the difference between someone who makes $60,000/year and $1,000,000/year (most of the time)?

The millionaire has probably failed thousands of times more than the person making an average salary.  

The people in the most successful positions are constantly testing, seeking, learning, and trying to figure out how to get to their goals, thus failing over and over and over.

Professional athletes spend countless hours failing over and over so they can create a perfect and unbeatable craft.

You have to be relentless and turn yourself into a failure machine.  Your envisioned path should be crystal clear, and once you embrace failure, the obstacles that previously looked to be boulders turn into small rocks.

Use these 10 Steps and learn:

How to Overcome Failure and Achieve Success

Step #1 Stop Making Excuses

If you want to overcome failure and achieve success, stop making excuses. Excuses sound the best to the person that’s making them up.  You are no longer going to make excuses. You are going to start creating solutions. If you are wondering how you should deal with failure at work, this is your first step.

Step #2 Everything Is Your Fault

Once you understand this concept you can begin to embrace your failures and use that as fuel to move you forward. Take responsibility for your actions and realize you are the only one that fix them.

Step #3 Put In the Work

If you want to have one of the best lives ever created, as in living life on your own terms, then you need to put in the work to get there. Work harder than anyone. Get up early, create a routine. You’re going to keep going. You’re not going to stop.

Step #4  Do Not Allow Your Circumstances to Define You

Your environment can change. You can change. You are only stuck in your situation because you allowed it to happen. The closest people around you are going to lie to you, cheat on you, and turn their back on you. They are going to try to squash your dreams and your goals the instant they are brought to light. Stop allowing your situation to suck the life out of you and surround yourself with an environment created for success.

Step #5 Challenge Yourself

Make your goal worth the climb. If your goal is too easy, there is no point for you to reach for it. If you can accomplish your goal without failing, it’s not even close to hard enough. If you do the easy things in life in the short term, your life will be hard in the long term. If you do the hard things in life in the short term, your life will be easy in the long term.

Step #6 Break through Barriers

You don’t just deal with failure, you break through barriers. The world is going to throw a mountain of hate, pain, and hardship at you along the way. It’s up to you to smash through these barriers. Embrace the barriers. They are there to challenge your mind and your body. Life is not going to hand anything to you. You have to earn it.

Step #7 Get Off Your Couch

Your laziness, technology addiction, and lack of a sense of urgency is killing you. You need to start today. You need to move.  You need to create a sense of urgency at all times. Don’t settle and watch the television because you’re tired. Keep going. Your comfortable life is not going to get you anywhere. Start living uncomfortably to create a truly comfortable life.

Step #8 Fail Forward

Overcome failure by failing forward. Don’t ever let failures keep you down. Bounce back. Move forward. Don’t give up. Don’t dwell on your failure. Figure out what you did wrong, fix it and move on.  Get used to failure and get used to beating it.

Step #9 Duplicate Success

Pay attention to the ones that are where you want to be. Circumvent some of your failures by learning and studying the best methods and strategies to reach your goals.  You will fail much more often if you are unprepared.  Copy, duplicate, and create what’s worked in the past. Once you fail, adjust, learn and conquer.

Step #10 Fail Again and Again and Again

Make sure after you fail, you try again. If you fail again, try again. Learn from your mistakes. Get better. Get smarter. Get faster. Get stronger. If failure gets you down, get back up and hit it square in the jaw.

Summary: How to Overcome Failure and Achieve Success

Learning how to overcome failure to achieve success is going to be the stepping stone to achieving your dreams. The more quickly you fail, the more quickly you will learn. Video games are great teachers for defeating failure. You often must fail hundreds of times to defeat the dragon at the end of the game, learning what works best along the way. If you fear failure, you’re not living. Failure is one of life’s best teachers.   The faster you fail, the faster you succeed.

Do you let your failures keep you down or are you using them as fuel? Let me know below!

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