10 Exercises to Superset with Bench Press (Pairings)

There are several exercises you can pair with a bench press to give your body the best superset workout possible.

The best bench press superset is going to help you build muscle, strength, endurance, burn fat, allowing you to workout quickly and efficiently.

The “key” to a great bench press pairing is to alternate different exercises with your bench press, reducing the resting period, allowing you to work out your body in is little time as possible.

Superset Definition with Examples

A superset or exercise pairing is ideal when you alternate two of the same, opposite, or unrelated exercises with each other, including limited rest in-between the pairing exercises.

The best way to do a superset is with antagonizing muscle groups.

Prime movers in the bench press include muscles that assist in pushing the bar forward such as the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, anterior deltoid, triceps and serratus anterior.  

The antagonist muscle groups of the bench press include muscles that assist in pulling such as the biceps, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, and rhomboids.

Another way to do a superset is with a compound or agonist superset.

This is where you use the same muscle groups to do similar but different exercises. This could be the chest fly paired with the bench press.

During these exercises, you might use the pecs more for the chest fly and the shoulders more for the bench press, both still using both of these muscle groups to complete the lift.

Last, you can always do a superset with a completely unrelated muscle group.

You could do something like a bench press and a squat pairing.

Using this method allows you to get a full body workout done in less time.

This type of superset is encouraged for beginners to moderate exercisers.

What to Superset with Bench Press (Pairings)

A bench press is a great way to challenge your chest and shoulders, but what are some exercises that go with the bench press?

1. Romanian Deadlifts

The first bench press combination exercise is a pairing with a Romanian deadlift.

Romanian deadlifts are great way to work the posterior as the bench press works the muscles in the front of the body.

This is one of the best bench press supersets because you can work a lot of muscle groups in a short amount of time.

The RDL will work the hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae.

2. Row

A great antagonist pairing that can go with your bench press is the standard row.

Have a set of dumbbells ready and after each set of chest presses, hop up off the bench, grab your dumbbells and start rowing.

You’ll work your pecs and front delts with the bench press and switch right over into using the rear delts, rhomboids and lats.

Doing this certain bench press superset allows you to work your entire upper body quickly, saving you loads of time over the course of your workout.

3. Chest Fly          

One of the agonist bench press supersets you should consider is the chest fly.

After pumping out a series of chest presses, head to the cables and add some chest flies to your workout.

This will really work your chest, giving it one of the best workouts possible.

Give your chest a rest between supersets and burn some calories with some jumping jacks or jump squats.

4. Reverse Flies

One of the easiest exercises to pair with a chest fly or dumbbell press is the reverse fly.

A flat bench dumbbell fly or press is going to pair nicely with a reverse fly.

You can vary the angle of your body to hit your upper, middle or lower pecs and vary the angle of your reverse fly making it challenging at different levels.

5. Pull Ups or Lat Pull Downs

A good push/pull combination superset is the bench press paired with a pull up or lat pull down.

Both exercises utilize major muscle groups and should be exercises you do near the beginning of your workouts, so as to be at full strength to complete these challenging lifts.

Add chains or bands to each of these exercises to make them even more challenging.

6. Standing Squats

A great exercise to pair with the bench press is a standing squat.

After you complete 1 set of bench press, stand up, grab a plate and go right into your standing squats.

Make it harder by doing jump squats.

Add an extra chest stressing element by squeezing the plate as you squat.

7. Push Ups

One agonist pairing is the bench press superset with push ups.

You can max out the bench press and jump right into doing as many push ups as you can.

You can mix in push up jacks, downward pushups, triangle push ups or wide push ups to give yourself an extra challenge.

Push ups are also great for weight loss. Learn why here:

Are Push-Ups Good for Weight Loss?

8. Sit ups or Planks

A good combination superset is to pair the bench press with a sit up or plank.

Work the entire core with your chest and ab exercises.

It’s easy to roll off the bench and go right into your plank.

Make it even harder by doing mountain climbers or in and out abs.

9. Bicep Curls

An easy antagonist exercise to pair with your bench press is the bicep curl.

You can go from one exercise to another without losing energy.

The bicep curls will give your chest a rest and vice-versa.

10. Dips 

One of the best exercises to superset with the bench press is the dips.

You can challenge your pecs and accessory triceps and go right into the dips, where the tricep is the main mover.

Give yourself a little bit of extra rest between supersets on this one.

Summary: Exercises to superset with bench press

When you are deciding which exercises you should be pairing with your bench press, first set up your schedule and your goals for the week. This will make it easier to set up your workouts, making sure you superset the correct exercises each day. A bench press superset is going to save you time and allow you to shorten your workout. Use these exercises to better your workout and compliment your bench press during your workout programming.

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