Exercises to Pair with Back Squats

There are several exercises you can pair with back squats. Doing these as a superset will be one of best ways to increase muscle mass, burn calories and increase endurance. You need to concentrate on exercises that challenge the leg and back muscles alike. This will ensure you create a stable and balanced lower body and core.

Exercises you should pair with your back squat include the reverse lunge, kettlebell swing, split squat, good morning, sumo deadlift, hip thrusts and power clean. These exercises are going to challenge your quads, glutes, hamstrings, erector spinae, and inner thigh muscles.

When you focus on these muscle groups, you increase your balance, stability, and power. Loading the back squat with chains or bands is also a great way to challenge these muscle groups at a higher level.  Try to also change up your workouts by varying the weights, reps, sets, frequencies, intensities, and exercises to give your body a complete workout.

Next time you need a great workout, make sure you utilize these exercises to pair with back squats.

Exercises to Pair with Back Squats

#1 Reverse Lunges

A perfect exercise to pair with the back squat is the reverse lunge. These 2 exercises can easily be done back-to-back. If you do a moderate weight for your squats, take a step back and go right into your reverse lunges. A superset of these 2 exercises will scorch your legs and inner thighs. If you need to, use dumbbells for the lunges once you get to the heavier squats.

#2 Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is a great exercise to develop your glutes and erector spinae. Driving through the hips will create power. You can also do this exercise with a single arm to make it even more challenging. Kettlebell swings will not only increase lean muscle but will also improve your overall endurance.

#3 Split Squat

Another challenging exercise you can pair with the back squat is the split squat. Acting more like a lunge, the split squat will make your inner thigh muscles work hard to drive your body upward. Doing this exercise with a back squat will leave you sore for a couple of days.

#4 Good Morning

The good morning is a good exercise to pair with the back squat because it works the back, glutes, and hamstring muscles as much or more so than the back squat. Pair these 2 together to give yourself a great and challenging workout.

#5 Sumo Deadlift

The back squat is good for the legs, but the sumo deadlift is better for the inner thighs and back. Put these 2 exercises together for a great combination of exercises. Start incorporating these 2 together as a superset and make your workout a lot more challenging.

#6 Hip Thrusts

If you really want to hit your glutes hard, pair hip thrusts with your back squat. The back squat is going to utilize your glutes, but eh hip thrusts will just do a better job of focusing on that muscle group. Make sure you utilize these 2 exercises in your next workout.

#7 Power Clean

The final exercise you should use to pair with your back squats is the power clean. The power clean takes the power of the squat and uses it to propel the barbell upwards. Typically used by power and Olympic lifters, the power clean is an exercise anyone can learn with a little bit of practice.

Summary: Exercises to Pair with Back Squats

Back squats are great exercises to build lean muscle through your legs and back. Make sure to pair these exercises with lifts like the hip thrust or kettlebell swing. Doing these exercises as a superset will give you the most intense workout because you will need to recruit extra muscle and energy to complete the lifts. Next time you hit the squat rack, just make sure you have your workout panned out and incorporate other exercises in to complete your workout.

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