9 Calf Exercises with Dumbbells

Some of the best calf exercises can be done with dumbbells at home.

If you are doing a workout without equipment, a simple set of dumbbells is just enough to give you an excellent workout.

Whether you’re doing calf exercises as a beginner, moderate or advanced exerciser, mixing up your calf workout is going to be the best way to develop them.

Adding dumbbells to a simple bodyweight workout is an excellent way to do your calf exercises.

If you need a more challenging workout, grab a 40-pound weight vest for best results.

Make sure you mix in these 9 calf exercises with dumbbells.

Calf Exercises with Dumbbells

1. High Knees

The first calf exercise you can do with dumbbells is high knees.

Often done as part of a warmup, high knees get your blood pumping and your body moving.

Mix these into your regular workout.

Make them more challenging by holding a pair of dumbbells during the exercise.

2. Jump Lunges

One of the best exercises you can do to challenge your quads, inner thighs, hamstrings, glutes, and calves is with the jump lunge.

You can alternate the jump lunge or to make it harder, jump with the same leg the entire time.

Do these for an extended amount of time with a set of dumbbells and your legs will be on fire.

3. Stair Climber

Another great exercise to challenge your calf muscles is the stair climber.

Grab some dumbbells and head to the stairs or a stair master.

Walk or run up the stairs to give your calf muscles a scorching workout.

If you’re an advanced exerciser, head to the nearest football stadium and run some stairs.

4. Standing Calf Raise

A simple, yet effective exercise you can do as a beginner is the standing calf raise.

Find a stair, grab a dumbbell and start your exercise.

Do these single leg or double leg based on your level.

5. Jump Squat

Another exercise that works like a jump lunge is the jump squat.

With this exercise you will be able to generate more power and jump higher.

Make this exercise hard with dumbbells, and even harder with a weight vest.

Push your knees out to do a sumo jump squat

The Guinness World Record for Highest Jump

is 2.45 Meters

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6. Side to Side Hops

An easy calf exercise you can do at home is a side to side hop.

Hold a pair of dumbbells and jump side to side.

Make it more challenging by turning it into a ski jump.

7. Seated Calf Raise

If you want to target your soleus (the muscle under the calf), do a seated calf raise.

Simply sit on a bench or chair, place a dumbbell on your knee and contract your calf muscle.

Mix this in with the other exercises on this list to give yourself a balanced workout.

8. Butt Kickers

Another exercise like the knee raises is the butt kickers.

This dynamic exercise will challenge your hamstrings, glutes, quads, and calves.

Try to increase your speed and quickness over time.

9. Farmer’s Walk on Toes

The last calf exercise you can do with dumbbells is the farmer’s walk, rolling up onto your toes with every step.

If you grab heavy enough dumbbells, this will be a very challenging exercise.

Use wrist wraps to help you hold the weights for long periods of time.

Other good calf exercises include:

  • Jump Rope
  • Leg Press Calf Raises
  • Smith Machine Leg Press
  • Frog Jumps
  • Sled Pull
  • Wind Sprints
  • Box Jumps
  • Hiking

Summary: Calf Exercises with Dumbbells

If you like to go to the gym and workout, a barbell or leg press machine might be the best way to give yourself a great calf workout. If you need to workout at home, dumbbells are a great way to build your calf muscles whether you are a man or woman. Just remember to mix up your workout, vary the intensity, and challenge yourself to heavier weights over time. A jump is going to work your calf muscles differently than a standing or sitting calf raise. Make sure to do all of the above for best results.

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