7 Exercises to Superset with Leg Press

Choosing the best exercise to superset with the leg press will depend on your goals for the day.

Whether you want to focus your workout on a leg muscle, or the legs as a whole will be a determinant as to what exercises you should be pairing with the leg press.

The “key” to selecting the perfect exercise lies in your ability to transition from exercise to exercise quickly.

Therefore, you need to have other equipment nearby to make your superset efficient and effective.

The exercises you will superset with the leg press will require either a set of dumbbells, barbell or the leg press machine itself.

Remember, a superset utilizes 2 or more exercises with little to no rest in between these exercises.

This will not only allow you to put on more leg muscle, but will give you a cardio effect, helping to improve your heart and lungs, allowing you to burn calories and fat.

Use these 7 effective exercises to superset with the leg press.

Exercises to Superset with Leg Press

1. Split Squat

One of the best exercises to superset with the leg press is the split squat.

After a set of leg presses, get up out of the seated position, hitch your leg to the top of back rest and get to lunging.

Grab some dumbbells to make this exercise even more challenging.

2. Calf Raises

Another easy exercise to pair or superset with the leg press is the calf raise.

After you rerack your leg press machine, reposition your feet and start calf raises on the leg press machine.

If you would like a safer option, stand up and grab some dumbbells for a simpler version.

3. RDL’s

The leg press primarily focusses on developing your quads.

Superset it with the RDL, which utilizes your posterior chain.

Your hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae will get the most work with this exercise.

4. Thrusters

Another exercise that goes well with the leg press is thrusters.

Thrusters will not only work your legs but challenge your shoulders as well.

A typical CrossFit exercise, thrusters are another intense exercise that supersets perfectly with the leg press.

Thrusters improve your cardiovascular fitness. They also increase your muscular endurance and strength, while improving coordination, movement efficiency, and flexibility.


5. Sumo Deadlift

The leg press will work the anterior quads.

Mix it with an exercise that works the inner thighs to really give your legs an intense workout.

You can also vary the angle of your legs on the leg press to get a similar effect.

6. Hang Cleans

A great back and arm exercise to pair with the leg press is the hang clean.

You will need to have a loaded barbell ready near your leg press machine to quickly transition from one exercise to another.

Doing these exercises together will really give your body a tough 2-exercise workout.

7. Jump Lunges

The last exercise to superset with a leg press, which is utilized well as a finishing exercise is the alternating jump lunge.

This exercise will challenge the entirety of your legs.

Make this one even more challenging by holding a pair of dumbbells while you do these.

Summary: Exercises to Superset with Leg Press

When you need the best exercise to superset with the leg press, pick one that you can efficiently transition to, works the muscles you are focusing on, and gives you a challenging leg or full body workout. If you want to work your inner thighs, pick the split squat, lunge or sumo squat. If you need to work your glutes or hamstrings, try a hamstring curl, RDL, or hip thrust. In doing these superset combinations, you will have complementary exercises that will build muscle, burn fat, and give yourself a healthy and challenging workout.

Other exercises you can superset with the leg press include:

  • Hip Thrusts
  • Push Up Jacks
  • Broad Jumps
  • Jumping Rope
  • Curtsy Lunges
  • Butt Kickers
  • Plank Punches
  • Burpees
  • Rows
  • Reverse Flies

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