7 Exercises to Pair with the Overhead Press

If you are looking for the perfect exercise to pair with the overhead press, pick something you can easily transition to smoothly and efficiently.

In doing so, you will create a full body exercise that’s challenging, tones the muscles, and gives you a cardio workout all at the same time.

The ‘key’ to a perfect overhead press pairing is to pick something that uses the same weight as the shoulder press.

Choose exercises like the squat, RDL and sit-up.

These kinds of exercises make it easy to transition from one to the other, giving yourself a workout that will leave your muscles sore and your body sweaty.

Try these 7 exercises to pair with the overhead press.

Exercises to Pair with the Overhead Press

1. Reverse Lunge

The first exercise you can pair with the overhead press is the reverse lunge.

Immediately after you begin to come up from your lunge, you can go right into the shoulder press.

Alternate legs and go to failure for an intense and challenging workout.

You can do forward, reverse, curtsy or side lunges as a great overhead press pairing.


2. Sumo Squat

Another great exercise to pair with the overhead press is the sumo squat.

You’ll not only work your legs and inner thighs but your shoulders and triceps as well.

You can make this a dynamic exercise, lift heavy for low reps or lift medium weight for high reps.

3. RDL

An exercise that pairs well with the overhead press is the RDL.

A Romanian deadlift is a great posterior chain exercise.

This will transition well as you come up during the contraction phase.

Just do a shoulder press right at the top.

4. Standard Squat

Transitioning from a squat to an overhead press is the same as doing a thruster.

These exercises are a great cardio challenge, working your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and deltoids.

Superset the thruster with a pushup jack or bicep curl for a great full body workout.

You can do this with a barbell or dumbbells.

5. Sit-Up

Another exercise you can pair with the overhead press is the sit-up.

Put your feet under something and as you sit up, transition right into the shoulder press.

Do as many as you can and you will not only challenge your deltoids, but your abs, obliques, hip flexors, and triceps.

6. Split Squat

A split squat is a great exercise to pair with a shoulder press.

As you come up from your elevated lunge, thrust your arms upwards.

This exercise will be challenging to keep your balance so only advanced exercisers should do this exercise.

7. Knee Raise

The last exercise that can be done with the overhead press is the knee raise.

This can be done by anyone of any level.

Just alternate your knee raises and shoulder press each time.

You will challenge your abs, hip flexors and deltoids with this pairing.

Summary: Exercises to Pair with the Overhead Press

When you need an exercise to pair with the overhead press, pick something that transitions well, gives you a challenging workout, and leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment. Exercises like the sumo squat and knee raise work well with your shoulder press. Do exercises similar to these to give you a great exercise experience. Save yourself time and effort by combining these exercises together. A solid workout should only take you 30 minutes if done right.

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