7 Exercises for Scuba Divers

If you are a frequent scuba diver, there are certain exercises, stretches and fitness requirements every diver should adhere to make sure they are in the best shape possible.

A scuba diver should be able to carry their diving equipment on land and swim with equipment for an extended period of time under the water. They should be able to sit, stand, walk, ascend, and descend a ladder with scuba equipment.

This will ensure that the body is prepared for the rigors of moving and swimming with heavy gear.

You will need to be in tip-top physical condition. Your cardio and endurance training should add an extra layer of safety to your scuba diving tour.

Above average physical fitness is necessary for peak performance and enjoyment.

In saying this, start utilizing this list of the best exercises that would most benefit a scuba diver on a weekly basis.

Exercises for Scuba Divers

1. Swim Sprints

The first exercise you should be doing as a scuba diver is a swim sprint.

This is going to help build up the muscles of your shoulders, core, hip flexors and legs to be able to propel yourself through the water at an adequate speed.

It will also help you build up your lungs and heart, increasing your underwater endurance and ability to hold your breath.

Mix in under water swimming and long endurance swims to make for a well-rounded swim workout.

2. Squat to Shoulder Press

The next exercise you should be doing as a scuba diver is the dumbbell squat to shoulder press.

Building up your leg, back and shoulder muscles is going to make sure your body is fully prepared to lug around heavy equipment.

Add a weight vest to this workout to truly get used to having heavy gear on your back for the length of the exercise.

3. Alternating Reverse Lunges to Bicep Curl

Another exercise like the squat is the reverse lunge.

Add a bicep curl at the top to make this a full body exercise.

This exercise is going to challenge your inner thighs, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and biceps.

4. Kettlebell Swings

The next exercise you should be doing as a scuba diver is the kettlebell swing.

This exercise will challenge the legs, shoulders and back, mimicking the dynamic movements that you will have to do with a heavy set of scuba gear on your back.

Do this as a HIIT exercise to really challenge your cardio capacity.

5. Variable Grip Pullups or Lat Pulldowns

You are going to need to train your lats for ladder work.

The pullup and lat pulldown are going to be instrumental in making this happen.

Do these with varying grips to make sure you get the most out of the exercises.

6. Long Distance Running

A scuba diver should have great endurance before they do this activity.

Running or jogging for distance is going to be a great way to increase your endurance.

You can also bike or do the elliptical to get a similar effect.

7. Yoga

The last exercise you should be doing as a scuba diver to increase your strength and flexibility is yoga.

Yoga is a great stretching activity and challenges your body’s muscular endurance.

Do this twice a week to make sure you body is ready for the dive ahead.

Summary: Exercises for Scuba Divers

A scuba diver needs to make sure they are taking care of their bodies by doing exercises tailored to the activity. Scuba divers should be able to meet standard fitness requirements whether it’s with exercises, stretching, or cardio. Workouts should include compound, full body exercises that utilize all the muscles of the body. The stronger you are under and out of the water, the safer you are going to be. It’s also going to make the activity more enjoyable and more fun.

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