7 Bowling Exercises for Seniors

If you are a senior and you love to bowl, there are several exercises you can do to make you a stronger, smoother bowler.

Doing exercises throughout the week is going to give you strong legs, strong arms and a strong back, helping you hurl that bowling ball down the lane with accuracy and precision.

The best bowling exercises for seniors are going to be exercises like wall squats, knee pushups, yoga, shoulder raises, planks, glute raises, and swimming.  These exercises are going to challenge your quads, glutes, hamstrings, erector spinae, abs, deltoids, and chest muscles.

As a senior, you should be doing these exercises slowly and with good form.

Light dumbbells can be used to help increase your muscle mass, balance, and endurance, while strengthening your bones, and reducing your risk of instability at the bowling alley.

Workout in the morning, evening or right before your afternoon nap.

Just make sure to utilize these exercises in your weekly workouts.

Bowling Exercises for Seniors

1. Wall Squats

The first bowling exercise for seniors is the wall squat.

A simple and effective exercise, the wall squat allows for you to work your way down from standing position.

You can challenge yourself by getting lower and lower over time.

Hold some dumbbells by your side to make this even harder.

If you cannot do the wall squat, just slowly sit and stand from a chair as many times as you can.

2. Knee Pushups

Knee pushups are going to be a great bowling exercise for seniors.

You can do these on the floor or in your bed.

Over time, you may be able to build up to a full pushup.

Knee pushups are going to challenge your abs, chest, and shoulders, all necessary for good bowling form.

3. Warrior Poses

A great way to strengthen your entire body is with some yoga poses.

The warrior pose I and II are going to primarily strengthen your legs, back, and shoulders.

Yoga also challenges your mental fortitude, endurance and balance.

Try this and many other yoga poses to strengthen the entirety of your legs, core, upper body and back.

4. Shoulder Raises

Another exercise you are going to need to make sure you’re a strong bowler is the shoulder raise.

Strong deltoids are going to help you spin the ball down the lane with better strength and precision.

Alternating the front and side shoulder raises are going to give you the most benefit.

Add some shoulder presses in to round out the workout.

Evidence suggests that bowling dates back as far as 3200 BC

Fun fact

5. Planks

One of the best exercises you can do for your core is the plank.

Not only does this workout your abs, it’s going to strengthen your shoulders and hip flexors at the same time.

Do this exercise on the floor or in your bed first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep.

6. Glute Raises

A great way for a bowler to unlock the power of their glutes is with the glute raise.

Strong glutes are going to allow you to produce a powerful walkup and follow through, sending your ball careening down the lane.

Do this by simply lying on your back and lifting your hips up toward the ceiling.

7. Swimming

The final and possibly the best bowling exercise for seniors is swimming.

This full body exercise will not only challenge your legs and arms, but your heart and lungs.

Use the water weights to make this exercise more challenging.

Summary: Bowling Exercises for Seniors

As a weekly and senior bowler, it’s important to exercise and keep your body in shape to continually improve your balance, strength, agility and mobility. Bowling may seem simple but the stronger you are, the easier it’s going to become. Train your arms, legs, abs and back and you will be a much better bowler tomorrow than you were yesterday. Remember to always use good form, challenge yourself, but don’t overdo it.

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