10 Things You Can Mix with Protein Powder

If you are making a protein shake, you want to mix something with it that tastes good, but also gives an extra allotment of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

If you want to know what you can mix with whey protein powder, then you need to find certain ingredients and recipes that will either hide or enhance the taste of it.

Whether you want to use the best vanilla protein powder, chocolate, or strawberry, there is a something out there that mixes well with each of these.

You can use all these blends to aid in your efforts to lose weight, gain weight, put on mass, cut, or bulk.

Each of these items will provide added benefits to your protein shake or mix.

Next time you find yourself in a grocery store, try one of these 10 best things to mix with your protein powder.

What to Mix with Protein Powder

1. White Milk

A staple in any protein blended shake is going to be white milk. You can mix any flavored protein in with white milk and it will be good to drink. You will also get the added protein from the milk, along with the vitamin A and D. Milk mixed with protein powder will make any drink taste good.

2. Coffee

If you need a burst of energy first thing in the morning, try mixing your protein powder with some coffee. Coffee is the perfect thing to mix your vanilla protein powder with. This combination will not only give you energy but will help you in your weight loss efforts. To many, protein powder and coffee might be the perfect thing first thing in the morning.

3. Banana

The next item you will need to mix in with your protein powder is a banana. This will make for the perfect smoothie. You may not even notice the protein if you put other flavorful fruits in there. Whether you want a shake or smoothie, some whey protein is the perfect thing to enhance your drink and aid in your bulking or cutting efforts. Put your banana in the freezer overnight to make for a creamier smoothie.

4. Chocolate Milk

One drink that will provide your body with an abundance of electrolytes is chocolate milk. Chocolate milk might be the best milk to mix with your protein powder as it will give you the missing energy and protein you are looking for. Try to find a chocolate milk with no added sugar, as many of these drinks will be loaded with extra sugar.

5. Tap Water

The best liquid to mix with your protein powder is a simple glass of filtered tap water. This simple combination may not taste the best but could come in handy when you have nothing else to mix with it. Some whey protein is better than no protein. Put these two ingredients together shortly before or after your workout.

Coconut Water is High in Potassium

Did You Know??

6. Coconut Water

A simple yet electrolyte rich drink to mix with protein powder instead of milk is some coconut water. This can make for a tasty combination and will provide your body with nutrition and antioxidant value, helping you to get through the day. VitaCoco is a brand that will go well with your whey protein.

7. Greek Yogurt

Another perfect ingredient that will go directly into your protein smoothie is some Greek yogurt. This creamy and smooth drink combination will give you additional protein and will work to promoting a healthy digestive system. Greek yogurt will make anything you concoct taste that much better.

8. Almond Milk

One of the best milks to mix with protein powder is almond milk. This white milk substitute will give you a variety of health and nutrition benefits. It’s tasty, smooth and will aid in your weight loss efforts. Almond milk is another great liquid to mix with your protein powder.

9. Honey

Another great food item to mix with whey protein is honey. Honey is one of the most perfect foods on the planet. It will provide your body energy and help to fight harmful bacteria. It will make your smoothie sweet, delicious, and a perfect afternoon treat.

10. Almond Butter

Last on this list of the best things to mix with protein powder is almond butter. Use this rather than peanut butter in your smoothies and shakes because it will add additional protein to your drink in a healthier way. Try to find an almond butter that does not have a ton of additives.

Summary: What to Mix with Protein Powder

Finding the perfect combination of things to mix with your whey protein powder can be a daunting task. Once you figure out a good food and liquid combination, it will help you lose weight, bulk, cut, and improve your energy overall. Whether you want to mix vanilla protein powder with milk, coffee, or Greek yogurt, the choices are endless.

In summary, the best things to mix with your protein powder include the following:

  • White Milk
  • Coffee
  • Banana
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Tap Water
  • Coconut Water
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Almond Milk
  • Honey
  • Almond Butter

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