Why Do Eggs Give You Gas? (Top 3 Reasons)

Eggs are some of the best and healthiest foods for your body. As nutritionally dense as they are, it’s not the strangest thing to experience some flatulence after a delicious omelet or plate of scrambled eggs. You may think, why are the eggs giving me so much gas? There are several reasons why eggs could be producing a little extra gassiness on your Saturday morning.

The main reasons you are experience gas after eating eggs is because you have egg intolerance, an egg allergy, or the combination of eggs and other foods that might be creating an excessive amount of sulfur content, thus causing a smelly and uncomfortable odor and/or bloating. This may force you to leave the room and head to the restroom or open-air space.

Eggs are healthy, delicious and nutritionally dense so you should never take away eggs from your diet unless you absolutely have to. Not only that, but they raise healthy cholesterol in the body, are a great source of choline, reduce your risk of disease, and are a great source of omega’s.

So without further ado, let’s find out the reasons the egg you eat will end up making you bloated, uncomfortable, and ultimately a source of added flatulence.

Why Do Eggs Give You Gas?

Reason #1 – Egg Intolerance

One of the most common reasons for that extra bit of gas is simply because of an egg intolerance. This means you lack the enzyme required to break down certain parts of the egg itself. If you are missing this enzyme, and are prone to gas in the first place, you may want to reconsider how many eggs you eat per week and who you are eating them with. This egg intolerance leads to certain components not getting digested. Bacteria forms around them, cause excessive bloating and flatulence.

Reason #2 – Egg Allergy

The next most common reason that you get gassy after your green eggs and ham is a simple egg allergy. This is a basic immune response to the proteins within the egg itself. Certain egg allergy symptoms include hives, rash, nasal congestion, vomiting, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, and anaphylaxis. The egg allergy symptoms usually occur a few minutes to a few hours after eating eggs or foods that have eggs in them. Even if you have been eating eggs without concern, you may still experience a reaction that may need immediate treatment.

An Egg Will Provide Your Body 6 grams of Protein

Did You Know?

Reason #3 – Eating Eggs with Other Gas Producing Foods

Last, you may smell a terrible odor from your gas if the eggs you are eating are combining with other foods to produce an odor filled gas. The sulfur content of eggs may mix with the gas the other food contains, leading to a smellier expulsion of flatulence. You may notice this happens more with one food than another so monitor what you put into your body and what comes out of your body.

Summary: Why Do Eggs Give You Gas?

Whether you have an egg intolerance, an egg allergy, or are eating foods that combine with the sulfur content of eggs to produce a foul odor, there are many possible reasons you become gassy after eating a series of hard boiled or deviled eggs. Eggs are delicious and extremely healthy for you. They will provide your body with omegas, protein, vitamins, and minerals and should be eaten in moderation. Choose carefully when you eat foods with eggs on them by the people around you and who you care to annoy. Some of the best foods in the world are pasture raised eggs so it would be best to lessen your intake rather than to eliminate.

Egg Nutritional Value
Calories 78
Total Fat 5 g
Saturated fat 1.6 g
Cholesterol 187 mg
Sodium 62 mg
Potassium 63 mg
Total Carbohydrate 0.6 g
Dietary fiber 0 g
Sugar 0.6 g
Protein 6 g

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