What is Happiness & How to be HAPPY!

As many people get older and wander through life, the question often comes up as to what happiness is and the best way to become happy.

Everyone knows that person who is constantly happy. They always have a smile on their face and are always full of energy. They are cheerful, are always helping others, and are almost impossible to say anything negative about.

I know one person that would be a shoe in for the happiest person award. He constantly smiles!

Nobody knows why this person is constantly happy, but a little bit of science might have something to do with it.

What is Happiness?

Happiness is a mental or emotional state ranging from contentment to intense joy. It is a measure of life satisfaction and well-being.

How do you increase Happiness?

The happiest people in the world develop habits that directly correlate to their feelings of contentment and joy.

In essence, the top 7 habits of the happiest people:

1. Find Their Flow

2. Exercise and Eat Healthy

3. Show Kindness to Others

4. Have Close Friendships

5. Are Spiritual Beings

6. Have Discovered Their Strengths

7. Are Optimistic and Mindful

I know I’m the happiest when I follow these guidelines. I recognize that if I didn’t have these things in my life, I wouldn’t be nearly as happy from a day to day basis.  

Is happiness something that you’re missing in your life?

If so, follow these 7 scientific characterizations of the happiest people and see if your life changes for the better:

1. How to be Happy: Find Your Flow

When you are doing things that you love and you get into that unstoppable mental state during this activity, you may have just hit your mental flow. This loss of consciousness may happen when you are completely absorbed in an intellectual, physical, or professional activity. If your playing a video game, your significant other may say your constantly absorbed and lost in your game, but in truth, you are zoned in. This probably won’t be a good excuse for playing video games all day, but at least you get my drift.

Another example comes from athletes in competition. Many people playing a sport will report that they were “in the zone” and became an unstoppable force. It is this point when your body and mind are so tuned in that you almost don’t even need to think. I know when I am in the zone, it’s one of my happiest and favorite places to be.

Figure out the best method to get yourself into your state of flow. If music helps you get into the flow, listen to music every time you need to be in a state of peak production and performance.

One study showed that baroque classical music may improve mood and productivity.

Whatever you can do to get yourself in the zone, do that.

2. How to be Happy: Exercise and Eat Healthy

The next habit is my bread and butter for happiness. By exercising, you release natural endorphins that make you feel great happiness. You especially experience these natural “highs” when you focus on intense physical activity. Runners often experience a “runner’s high” which for many can become a healthy addiction. Half my workouts during the week focus on high intense exercise. It’s hard to feel sad or depressed after completing an intense and challenging workout.

One study showed that walking and yoga improves your mood and decreases feelings of depression, anxiety and stress.

The other half of that is through excellent nutrition. Having proper nutrition in general will make your body and mind happier. Your body chemistry will be optimized, allowing your bodily organs to operate at peak performance.  There are also foods that can make you happy. Dark chocolate, salmon, walnuts, green tea, and wine are all great for boosting your happiness levels.

3. How to be Happy: Show Kindness to Others

It’s hard to be unhappy when you are showing kindness to others. In giving, you become grateful and aware of the things you have that many other people can only dream of, internalizing a state of well-being.

If you are going to give, give your time. It’s the most valuable thing we all have. It’s much more valuable than material things. We all only have a certain amount of time on earth. When you give your time, it’s the gift of yourself.

One Harvard Business School survey of happiness in 136 countries found that people who are altruistic, were happiest overall.

Just by witnessing acts of kindness, your hypothalamus produces oxytocin. Oxytocin aids in lowering blood pressure, improves our overall heart health, and increases our self-esteem and optimism. The lessen is, surround your self with acts of kindness, whether it be from yourself, or the kindness of others.

4. How to be Happy: Have Close Friendships

This is one of the habits I could definitely improve upon. People with solid friendships are much happier than people who solo themselves out. Happiness is contagious and can spread through your social group like the plague. You can turn to friends when you are stressed, as they can often turn your frown upside down.

One study showed that a friend who lives within a mile and who becomes happy increases the probability that person A is happy by 25%.

You not only should try to be part of a solid network of friends but become friends with people of similar aspirations. People working together to achieve a common goal are going to be much happier than people who are doing things just to complete tasks over time. You become more fulfilled if your common goal is associated with a positive overall purpose.

5. How to be Happy: Be a Spiritual Being

People who constantly engage in religious and spiritual practices are generally happier than those who do not engage in such things. A lot of it has to do with the search for connectedness, meaning, and purpose. Prayer, meditation, and mindfulness can bring about a higher state of well-being and a sense of satisfaction in ones life.

One study concluded that there is in fact a positive correlation between reported happiness and spirituality as well as religious participation.

6. How to be Happy: Discover Your Strengths

People are generally happier if they understand and focus on utilizing their strengths rather than dwelling on their weaknesses. Step one is to take a deep look at what you are good at. If you enjoy the things that you are good at, then it becomes a win-win.

If you’re an excellent critical thinker, figure out a way you can apply this to your success. If you are good at designing workouts for others, maybe you should become a certified personal trainer. Once you recognize what you are good at and apply those strengths to your life, the sky will be the limit to what you can accomplish.

7. How to be Happy: Be Optimistic and Mindful

I am always looking forward, always analyzing the next steps, never dwelling in the past. The best way to proceed on a chain of tasks is to try, fail, learn from your mistakes, and use what you learned from your mistakes and try again. Always be mindful of everything you do and how your decisions affect your path.

Being optimistic means there is always greener pastures ahead.

Results of one study indicated that women who scored high on happiness were also found to be high on optimism.

Nothing gets you down. Everything is a stepping stone to get you where you want to be. Negative events are only temporary road blocks, easily managed when a clear path around the barrier is understood. Try to be optimistic and mindful in whatever you do.

Summary: What is Happiness & How to be HAPPY!

Some people are naturally happy, and nothing can bring them down. They typically have a different view on life. They concentrate on the things they can change for the better and rarely let a negative event change their attitude. They are in tune with the things that make them happiest of all. After you learn how to be happy, try incorporating some of these steps into your life and allow your happiness flow to the people around you. In the end, I hope you figure out what happiness is to you.

Do your choices lead to your happiness? Does something need to change for you to be happier?Let me know below!

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