5 Reasons to Eat a Banana Every Day (Health Benefits)

Bananas are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, provide a number of health benefits, and one of the foods you should eat almost every day of the week.

Bananas are one of the most popular, abundant, inexpensive and widely consumed foods in the world. They are grown in more than 100 countries, are rich in nutrients, and are one of the best foods to add to a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

I eat bananas every morning for breakfast, in smoothies, parfaits, cereal, banana bread, and as a part of several of my meal plans.

Fact is, I wouldn’t be eating as many bananas as I do if it were not for all the health benefits associated with eating bananas.

Is Banana a Carb?

Yes, a medium sized banana is packed with 27 grams of carbs.

Here is a list of how many carbs are in certain sizes of bananas:

  • Extra small less than 6″ = 19 grams.
  • Small 6–7″ = 23 grams.
  • Medium 7-8″ = 27 grams.
  • Large 8–9″ = 31 grams.
  • Extra large 9″ = 35 grams.

Now that you that banana is a carb, let me elaborate with the:

Banana Health Benefits

Reason #1 Bananas Are Nutrient Dense

One of the biggest health benefits of a banana is that they are nutrient dense. Bananas are loaded with potassium, vitamin B6, fiber, dopamine and other antioxidants. Bananas only contain about 100 calories for a medium sized banana.

Are you missing out on feelings of pleasure and satisfaction?

One study showed that the Cavendish banana was a great source for dopamine. Get your dopamine kick from the peel, the pulp, in a ripe or unripe banana.

Reason #2 Even Though Banana is a Carb, Bananas May Support Weight Loss.

Eating foods high in fiber have been linked to lower body weight and weight loss in general.

One study showed the intake of fruits may contribute to weight loss. Bananas may not be the end all – be all for weight loss but every little small change to your eating habits can dramatically affect the final results.

Another way bananas contribute to weight loss is their appetite suppressant effects. Eating foods high pectin and resistant starch can increase feelings of fullness, offering appetite reducing effects.

One study found that foods containing resistant starch reduced food intake. Use this to your advantage.

I often eat bananas and apples before meals to get their appetite suppressing effects, leading me to eat less over the course of the meal.

Reason #3 Bananas May Benefit Exercisers

I exercise often and have almost never cramped up during a workout or sporting event. It might be because I eat a banana almost every day. The reason for cramping is generally unknown, but it may be due electrolyte imbalances and dehydration. Some studies have indicated bananas may help with cramping; others are inconclusive.

Another way bananas help the exerciser is through the carb and nutrient intake your body gets after eating a banana. When you exercise, your muscles burn through your glycogen stores. Eating carbohydrate rich food will help replenish added carb loss. A typical banana has approximately 31 grams of carbs per banana.

Reason #4 Bananas May Support Heart, Digestive, and Kidney Health

Few people get enough potassium in their diets. Studies have shown a potassium-rich diet can help lower blood pressure. One study showed that high potassium intake is associated with a lower risk of all stroke and ischemic stroke, as well as all-cause mortality in older women. Get plenty of potassium and reduce your risk for heart disease by 27%.

Another health benefit bananas have also been linked to is through improved digestion, due to their combination of dietary fiber and resistant starch. One study showed that starches are important for their interactions with the gut micro-flora throughout the digestive tract. I love bananas for this reason. I almost never have a complaint about my digestive tract and how it feels on a day to day basis.

Last, bananas are great for kidney health and function. One study over the course of 13 years showed that women who ate a banana 2 to 3 times a week were 33% less likely to develop kidney disease.

Reason #5 Bananas Are Delicious and Multifunctional

I wouldn’t eat bananas if they didn’t taste good. But since they do, I add them to many of my meals and snacks. I throw a banana in almost every one of my smoothies. If I don’t do that, I may cut up a banana with a little cereal or yogurt. I may also have a banana a couple hours before my workout or directly after with a little bit of peanut butter.

Summary: 5 Reasons to Eat a Banana Every Day (Health Benefits)

Bananas are a quick and easy way to get carbs, nutrition and health benefits into your body on a daily basis. They’re one of my staples for a heart healthy breakfast. If I don’t have a banana sitting right next to me on my desk, it’s probably because I already ate it, or ran out of them at home.  Add a banana to your daily diet and start reaping the benefits.

Many people argue that bananas are easier to open from the bottom than the top. Which do you prefer? Let me know below!

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