10 Reasons Why You Should do 100 Squats a Day

Finding time to get 100 Squats a day into your workout routine can seem like an impossible task.

But if you can motivate yourself to take on this exercise, you will see many bodily benefits over time.

Doing 100 squats a day is going to help you burn fat and lose weight, increase muscle and endurance, improve posture and mood, while boosting your energy and improving your sleep. Over time, you may be able to steadily increase the number of Squats you can do in one workout session from 100 to even 500 Squats a day.

The best way to do this is to be consistent over time, and varying the angle of your legs, the frequency, time, and type of exercise.

Add a weight vest over time to give you that added challenge.

Mix in jump squats and lunges to get a more comprehensive workout.

Set aside some time before bed or right when you wake up in the morning.

Consistently doing these 3 to 4 days a week will set you up for success.

Check out these:

Reasons Why You Should do 100 Squats a Day

1. You Will Scorch Body Fat

Squats can burn a significant number of calories and body fat over time. You can expect to burn over 1000 calories per hour with Squats. Obviously, you’re not going to do an hour of Squats, but every 10 minutes you do will help you burn 167 calories. Start with 100 Squats per day and build up so you can do a solid 10 minutes worth. As you get stronger and build endurance, you will be able to pick up your speed and get a higher number of Squats in that 10 minutes. Do you think you can get 100 Squats done in 10 minutes?

2. You Will Get a Strong Base

Your legs are going to get a tough workout when you do 100 Squats a day. Stabilizing your body is the main objective of a strong set of legs. When your body is in a stable position for an extended period of time, your leg muscles will get a fantastic workout. Mix it up by doing sumo squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, Squat hops, and wall squats.

3. Your Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, and Inner Thighs Will Get Defined

As you work towards that 500 Squats a day, your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and inner thighs will start to get defined. Forcing your body to do a simple movement for an extended amount of time can really give those muscle groups a challenging workout. The strength, stability and definition of these muscle groups undoubtedly improve.

4. You Will Increase Your Endurance

Not only are Squats a great workout for your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and inner thighs, they will significantly improve your blood, heart and lungs by increasing your endurance. You can do this exercise at one constant rate or you can break it up into pieces and go as fast as you can for a few seconds. Doing the exercise as fast as you can will turn the exercise more into a HIIT workout, improving your cardio, and helping to burn fat.

5. You Can Strengthen Your Back and Shoulders at the Same Time

While you’re doing your squats, you might as well work your shoulders and back as well. Grab some dumbbells and do a shoulder press on the way up from your squat. Keep your back strong and your abs tight. You can also do side raises or front raises to improve the overall strength of your delts.

6. You Will Improve Your Posture

A squat with a shoulder press is a great exercise to help your posture. When doing Squats, your body will need to have a strong and stable back, neck and abs. If you are doing 100 Squats a day, your posture will begin to improve over time. Sitting hunched over at a desk all day has the opposite effect.  Incorporate Squats into your workouts and you will begin to see improvements in strength and posture. Your back and neck muscles will improve, stabilizing your body.

7. You Will Increase Blood Flow to Your Muscles and Brain

Doing an intense exercise will increase blood flow to your muscles and brain, providing them oxygen while removing waste products from the body. By increasing blood flow, you begin to remove plaque buildup over time and making your veins and arteries more supple.  You will lower your risk of heart disease, lower your bad cholesterol, and raise your good cholesterol while helping to manage blood sugar levels.

8. You Will Improve Your Mood

By doing intense exercise, you release endorphins and feel-good hormones. Many people experience this as a runner’s high, but you can also get this doing long or intense bouts of Squats. Your mood will improve throughout the day, and you will become more confident and sociable.

9. You Will Boost Your Energy

Over time, Squats will begin to boost your overall energy. Your body will become more efficient at utilizing and creating oxygen and removing waste products. Your metabolism will increase, and you will become less tired and ready for the day ahead. The more energy you have, the more you can get done. Build up to 500 Squats per day and you will have endless amounts of energy.

10. You Will Improve Your Sleep

Whether you do your 100 Squats a day in the morning or the evening, your overall sleep will improve. Don’t be afraid to do this near bedtime either. Studies show that exercise about an hour before shuteye will help you fall asleep and get an overall better quality of sleep through the night.

The 100 Squats a Day Challenge

If you are going to do something worthwhile, it makes it easier and more fun to do it if there is a challenge associated with it.

Two nights a week, try to add 100 Squats to your workout.

You don’t have to do them consecutively or all at once, you just need to get them in.

After you can comfortably do that, add another day to the week where you do the Squats.

Then, try to do them consecutively and as fast as possible.

As you build up, add more and more every night until you can do 200 Squats per day.

Don’t think you are going to accomplish this overnight.

This may take 2 to 3 months to accomplish, but when you get there, it will be well worth it.

Summary: 100 Squats a Day

Doing 100 Squats a day can have great benefits for the body. You will increase your strength, endurance, and improve the overall health of the body. As you go along, try to get better and better every week. Work towards 200 Squats a day and you will reap the benefits of a great endurance and HIIT workout. Make sure you add some rest days in between workouts so you are not exhausting your muscles. In the end, you will be stronger than you were yesterday.

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